After having so many issues while nursing Laikyn and then ending up nursing her for so long, I was able to try out many things to increase my milk supply. I battled low supply with her, and seriously tried everything out there. I became obsessed with seeing if lactation remedies worked and was thrilled when they did!
Now that I’m nursing Lennyn and not having any issues, I still want to share because I know there are so many mamas out there that will benefit from more milk! I am beyond thankful that I have enough this time (more than enough, enough to donate which is something I’ve always wanted to do) and I owe a lot of it to these quick remedies, but mostly to God. I prayed for this milk!
I am no lactation guru or expert by any means, and I am not a certified lactation consultant. So you can take my opinions with a grain of salt if you want to, but these are the 12 ways that I have found to increase your milk supply within 24-48 hours.
1. Water – Hydration is key! If you think you’re drinking enough water, go drink some more. I tend to drink at least 100 oz a day when I am nursing and see a decrease in milk when I don’t. Hydration is the number one thing to do when trying to increase your milk supply! The easiest way for me to drink enough water is to use my Camelback 33 oz water bottle. I know if I haven’t had at least 3 bottles a day, I haven’t had enough. I’m refilling it throughout the day, but still drinking other things like coffee, decaf tea, Gatorade, etc. No matter what else you drink, always have the 3 water bottles (adding to 99 oz). You can find the Camelback HERE.
2. Oatmeal (Rolled Oats) – Rolled oats, not instant. I’m not sure if this is a Wive’s Tale, or not, but it works for me. I see a huge decrease when I haven’t had something with oatmeal. If you don’t like it for breakfast then you can bake it in cookies, make granola bars, energy balls, etc. Plus, it’s a great source of fiber for you. I get my rolled oats HERE.
3. Fenugreek – I have not used these this time but I did with Laikyn. I must add that if your baby has a Soy intolerance like my girls did, wait to use these. It causes some unwanted gas. These are like little magic pills. So magic that you’ll be smelling like maple syrup and craving pancakes all day. I got the 610 mg and was taking 3 pills a day. You can play with it and see what works for you. Some other supplements for lactation include: Mother’s Milk Tea, More Milk Plus, GoLacta, Goats Rue, Alfalfa, Milk Thistle, and more. I am going to do a post on supplements soon. You can find Fenugreek HERE.
4. Lactation Cookies – My personal favorite for several reasons: a) they work and b) they’re yummy! You can use this dairy/soy/gluten free recipe here or and this NO BAKE recipe here. Here is also a recipe for a pumpkin spice lactation cookie, yummy! And a place to purchase lactation cookies HERE if you’re not a Betty Bakerella.
5. Gatorade – Really?! Yup. My husband drinks them like they’re water. I try to drink at least one 20 oz Gatorade a day. Powerade, Smart Water or any electrolyte drink works the same! Some people say red drinks work better, but I personally like Lime Cucumber and Pink Rain! Another plain Jane favorite is Lemon Lime.

6. Lactation Bars – These are SO good! Oat Mama lactation bars can be purchased here or you can make your own. The ingredient that helps is Brewer’s Yeast, so don’t forget to throw that in! You can find these yummy bars HERE.
7. Chocolate Coconut Water – Not to be confused with the regular coconut water which is pretty groooooss. The chocolate coconut water is actually good and good for your body. Win-win!
8. Alfalfa Supplement – When I first tried this with LC I was skeptical. I mean my dad farms this, how is this supposed to help you make milk?? Well, it does. I took it along with the Brewer’s Yeast and BAM milk. You can find the supplements HERE.
9. Fennel Oil – I use many oils for many different things. Young Living is my oil of choice, but I’m sure any of them work the same. You can dab some fennel oil on your chest as many times a day as you want, or you can ingest it. I like to mix about 5 drops in some water and take it as a shot. Beware: it tastes like black licorice so you’ll either smell like it or taste it. Pick your poison.
10. Brewer’s Yeast – This is one of the most effective ways to get more milk quick. This is the ingredient in the cookies and bars that work. You can take BY in supplement form, or you can get it ground so you can sprinkle on food, blend in smoothies, etc. I like to make it into my smoothie if I want a boost in supply. You can purchase Brewers Yeast here or at your local natural grocery store! Here is the tablet form as well. Here is a recipe for a Pumpkin Pie Lactation Smoothie.
11. Nurse/Pump – Yep, you heard it. Nurse, nurse, nurse! Put the baby to the breast as much as you can. The more milk you have removed the more milk you will make. If you are pumping, add a few extra sessions or power pump. You can read Kelly Mom’s guide to power pumping (10 minutes on, 10 minutes off) here. If you are exclusively breastfeeding, you can do a nurse-cation and nurse as much as you can, turn on the Netflix and send the snacks! Or, you can pump a few times in between feedings to stimulate a need for more milk.
12. Trust – Your body was created to make milk to your baby. Relax. Trust that your body knows what it’s doing. It does! Rest and pray, if you do, because that’s the reason we got through the hard times nursing with Laikyn! And it’s how I know that God blessed me with milk this time; lots of prayer!
All of these things together will increase your milk supply quickly! You should be able to see a difference within 24 hours, but remember it doesn’t help if you’re taking supplements and eating Brewers yeast if you aren’t removing the milk! Make sure you are adding sessions in to trigger more! Also, make sure you are eating 300-500 more calories a day. Your body needs it to make milk! If you are working out or dieting, beware to eat enough and add even more super foods to your diet to provide the nutrients for your baby!
So, how do you know if you have more milk? If you are pumping, you will see an increase in output. If you are exclusively breastfeeding, you might just feel fuller breasts or your baby might be more satisfied after each feeding. Some women leak breast milk and will need nursing pads again. Each woman is so different, just get used to your body and know what it’s trying to tell you.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! And if you are having trouble breastfeeding or with your supply, please reach out to someone with experience, a lactation consultant or friend! Support is key in reaching your breastfeeding goals !
You are doing great mama, keep it up!
Camelback // Rolled Oats // Mother’s Milk Tea/Fenugreek // Milkin’ Cookies // Gatorade // Lactation BarsCoconut Water (chocolate tastes best) // AlfalfaFennel Oil // Brewer’s Yeast
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