I’m one of those people who love nursing. I look forward to when I get to sit in a quiet toddler-having-a-dance-party-on-me-while-nursing chair and enjoy the time with my girl. I love the way she looks up at me in between every few sucks. I love how she wiggles and wallers when she needs to burp. I love the way she still reaches for my face or anything in vicinity while she eats. She needs to hold something, and I’m always glad to give her my hand to hold. My little pinky is grasped with her whole hand. At every single moment, I melt. I melt that I can nourish her and make her grow (into a big ol baby). I revel at the thought that God made our bodies to feed a baby; to make a baby grow until they need food like we do. The innocence is captivating.
Laikyn keeps asking me if she can have “mommy’s milk” too. I don’t want her to resent her sister for taking my time away or feeling like I am her territory. She does well, but sometimes she is pretty relentless about it. I’ve offered it in a cup, and I think she would take it…but I think she really is just feeling a bit jealous when she says that. Even when it’s offered (expressed milk in a cup, not breastfeeding) she still won’t take it. She just needs to know that I’m hers too, I think.
I really love breastfeeding, but I really love a night out with my hubby or a day to go grocery shopping without little bodies. I express milk sometimes daily, sometimes just once a week to save so that I am able to do things with my family and friends. I freeze the milk and have almost 800 ounces stored now, and I will donate it if I don’t end up using it for Lennyn. Making sure that your baby will take a bottle is a must!
When Lennyn takes a bottle, she takes it from someone other than me. She won’t take one from me! I’m just thankful she will drink from a bottle when I’m not there! We have been trying the Lansinoh mOmma bottle which mimics the mother’s breast. Lennyn is pretty picky with her bottles, and this is one that she will take. Lansinoh mOmma, “better bottle”, has a natural wave nipple that is clinically proven to reduce nipple confusion in established, breastfed babies. We introduced a bottle with Lennyn at one month to 6 weeks. She now takes one every so often when I’m not there to offer breastfeeding. I would love to try this Lansinoh mOmma Straw Cup for Laikyn, too!
- Clinically proven to reduce nipple preference in established breastfed babies
- Encourages natural oral development
- Enables baby to use feeding actions learned at the breast
- Air Ventilation System (AVS™) reduces intake of gas, a potential cause of colic or spit up
- Fewer parts – easy to assemble & clean
- NaturalWave™ Nipple is 100% silicone, soft, flexible and designed for optimal compression