WHEWWW! A long-over due post in the works today!! We’ve been a bit busy for the past 12 months, but we’re so excited to finally share the news and let you guys in on the process of what we’ve been doing while building a custom home! Grab a cup of coffee or a cocktail….it’s gonna be a long one, yall!
As y’all know, we welcomed our third little babe into the family late 2018! We knew once I found out that I was pregnant that our current home wasn’t going to fit our needs as a family of 5, so we began the process of looking to buy or build a home! Upon looking in our town, there wasn’t anything that fit our family, so we began searching for lots, builders, inspiration and finally landed on deciding to build a home in May 2018! This wasn’t the easiest decision, because we knew that there was no possible way to be in a home before the baby was born, so we had to wait and feel a bit crammed for a while! However, this was the best decision for our family and we’re SO excited! Most excited for some extra space and a place for guests to stay when you come visit! (hint, hint….)
The process has been fairly seamless! We started the process exactly a year ago, almost to the day, and are not even close to being finished but it’s so exciting to watch it being built from scratch with each of our family members being able to input parts of the home that they want/love! The girls even picked their tile for their bathroom!
How has the process looked? We started by finding the neighborhood we loved, picking a lot, purchasing the lot and then began the actual house process. We started by drawing out a custom plan on paper (well, Brett did and then I added my two-cents) and took it to a few different local builders. We interviewed and then fell in love with one of the companies and decided to get our plans drawn with their architect and bring it to life! The process was really simple from there, because he was a HUGE help in telling us what was functional, what wouldn’t work and what was within and out of the range of our budget. We started with several meetings with him to draw, re-draw, re-draw and re-draw plans again (you get the picture…such a long process for this part) but we wanted to make sure that we were 110% in love with our plan and got it right from the beginning! Since this home is custom and one that we’ve poured our hearts in to, it will be our forever home (which sounds CRAZY)…the home where our kids will become teenagers and eventually leave us as empty-nesters. WOW that’s crazy to think about! We thought and planned long and heard for this home as we know this will be the home where our kids are raised!
When we built our last home in 2012-2013, we were in a bind for a home to buy and nothing was available to buy. We built VERY quickly and realized along the way and many years after being in the home, that there were many things we’d do differently. We LOVE our current home, but we definitely didn’t plan to be in it forever or to even have 3 children in it. I will be SO sad to leave it as it’s where we brought home our babies, raised them to now and had SO many good memories in. Good thing we can just stop by often since it’s in the same area to check it out.
So from the drawing process, we got our plans made and then still had to do a bit of tweaking. We got bids from a couple of different builders to make sure that ours was still the one we were meant to build with, and then we got started! We finally broke ground in early fall of 2018! Since then, we’ve watched it go from a clear lot of grass/weeds to a house with actual walls, ceilings, a roof and basement! We still have a ways to go, but it’s been amazing to see the process, watch my kiddos eyes light up when they go in their new rooms and design the whole house from scratch!
As for the design, we’ve pretty much chosen everything and are just waiting for it to come to life! We worked closely with a builder and design team’s guidance which has been a HUGE help for our busy lives! I plan to share more about that since it’s been a life-saver and amazing process! I can’t wait to share the progress as it continues to change each week, but don’t worry…my content here won’t change! I just wanted to let yall in on a little glimpse of what’s going on in our lives and what we’ve been busy doing for the past year (aside from everything else)
Lots of changes in 2018-2019 for us but it’s been SO good. God has been so good and faithful, and we couldn’t be more excited to see what He has in store for us between the walls of our new house! I am incredibly thankful for my husband who has been amazing through the whole process, basically allowing me to dream and create exactly what I want and thankful for the chance to be able to see it all happen! Like I said, we still have a while until it’s done, but we finally wanted to share what we’ve been up to! I plan to share more of the progress and construction as it continues to change, but for now we’re just in the waiting phase for it to be finished! I wish we had projected move in date – but it will likely be at least 4-5 more months until we even see an end in sight! You know how that goes I’m really hoping to have Brexton’s first birthday on our patio, so here’s to hoping we’re in by November!!
If you stuck around until the end…kudos to you! I had a lot to update and lots to say, but most of all just thank you for your continued support in my life – being an encouraging and uplifting community no matter what we are doing! I never dreamed when I started this little blog that my life would be so blessed by all of you and that it would be my job; I’m continuing to pinch myself at the amazing community this is and the incredible blessings that come from it! LOTS of that is in part to you, the ones who come here to read, shop and enjoy my content! So, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for your support and encouragement along the way!
Enough of the sap! Thank you to Lissa Anglin for shooting some pics for us! We are thankful for the process and can’t wait to be in it in a few months!
So excited for y’all!! Can’t wait to see the finished product!
Congratulations to your beautiful family!!! So excited for y’all!