Hi friends! I’m so excited to share some families that can use our help this holiday season! A few days ago, we decided as a community to take nominations for families in need for us to fulfill their Amazon wishlists and send help and prayers this season! The response has been overwhelming, and after much prayer and careful consideration, we will be taking a few families needs and turning it into something special this holiday season!
I didn’t title this post anything about Christmas, because I fully believe we will continue to bless families throughout the entire year! 2020 is going to be a year for BLESSING others!
Please pray with me for all of the families that sent in emails that aren’t on this list currently. Pray their needs be met and their spirits be lifted this season! Pray specifically for healing for many of them. My heart has been so heavy reading these stories and I want nothing more than to help each and every one of them. I do believe God wants to touch every one of their lives in a very special way and I know some really great things are going to come from this!
How it Works
I’m going to share each of the families and their wishlist. For purchasing, you just click their wishlist and find something to give. It can be as little or as much as you feel led! This will ship directly to the family without displaying their address or your address! Please let me know if you get stuck somewhere or if you need any help at all!
When the family’s wishlist is fulfilled (hopefully quickly) we will add another family! I can’t wait to bless them and see God work through this community!
Meet the Families
Aaron, Camryn (9) & Capree (6) – California
Specific Prayers: Prayers for his elderly German Shepherd. It looks like she has cancer for the second time and probably not going to be around much longer. She’s been a part of their family since before the girls were born and I know they are going to struggle very hard when she passes.
I know God is going to bless these families and more! I can’t wait to see him move and most of all just give grace, faith, comfort and healing to so many families in need of Him being near this season! THANK YOU in advance for helping, listening, praying and continuing to be the best community ever!!
If you know someone in need that you’d like to nominate, please email: littleloveliesgiving@yahoo.com
There are absolutely no affiliate links within this post and it’s not sponsored in any way or form. My family, I and my community want to help families in need in whatever way we possibly can!