How?? How in the world is my sweet baby girl already 4 months old? It goes by way too quickly. She is lighting up our hearts each day and we couldn’t have asked for a better baby. She is a dream! (Let’s pray she stays that way through her teenage years) ha! She is seriously so easy and so laid back and just happy as can be!! Meeting each milestone and growing way too quickly!!
Age :: 4 months
Length :: 23.5 inches
Weight :: 14 lbs 4 oz
Milestones :: We’re in a leap. Hit the 4 month sleep regression so we moved her to the crib. Now she’s STTN again from about 9-6 then eats and back to sleep until 8:30, reaches for things, grabs toys and objects, rolls from both tummy to back and back to tummy, scoots on belly, discovered hands and puts them in her mouth, loves to look and talk to objects, started really laughing 🙂 THIS is my favorite.
Sleep :: She is sleeping about 8/9 hours at night all the way through the night on most nights. We went through a regression where we were trying to transition out of the R&P, but we finally figured out she just wanted to be in her room in her big girl crib. I had such mixed feelings about this! She’s going to bed around 9 and will wake up at 5:30-6 to eat and go right back to sleep until 8/8:30. She’s then up for the day, eats and plays for a bit and goes down for her first nap around 9:30-10 and sleeps until 12-1! That’s her long nap, then she has two shorter naps throughout the day. She’s mostly in her swing for naps, but sometimes in her crib for shorter naps. No more swaddles, but now she fits in Big Sister’s old sleep sack so that’s what we’re using so she doesn’t get cold in her big crib! She is a tummy sleeper, just like her mama!
Favorites :: bath time, being outside, going on car rides, swinging, looking at the fan and lights, loves the abc wall in her room, nursing & mommy’s milk, smiling at anyone that talks to her, watching sissy, laughing, the silly toy monkey, Jenny Jump-up, lounging and watching football or baseball with Daddy, she’s began to take paci’s at nap time or when we’re in the car
Doesn’t like :: being cold after her bath, getting too tired, riding in the car if she’s not tired (noooooo!)
Firsts :: time to sleep in her crib (16 weeks), laugh (13.5 weeks), rolling tummy to back (14 weeks), rolling from back to tummy (14.5 weeks), parade (16 weeks) – WT Homecoming parade in Canyon,
Clothes: 3-6, 6-9 month clothes and size 1 diapers although they’re getting small and we’re moving to size 2 as soon as we finish what we have of size 1
Nicknames: Chunk-a-monk, Lennie Girl, Sissy, Little Sissy, Baby Sissy, Sister, Lennyn Girl, Lennie Kate, Punkin, Munchkin
Here’s some pictures from this month. Time can go ahead and slow down, NOW.
She is so adorable 🙂 They look so happy!!!