Age :: 1 month
Length :: 20.25 inches
Weight :: 9 lbs 4 oz
Milestones :: Staying awake for longer periods of time, smiling in sleep, holding head up and focusing on objects, does well at tummy time
Sleep :: She is sleeping about 5-6 hour stretches at night. Eating every 3-4 hours during the day and sleeping in between.
Favorites :: swaddled with arms out, being outside, going on car rides, nursing, swinging, baths
Doesn’t like :: Changing diapers or clothes, gas, burping, feet being cold, the woombie :(, being laid flat
Firsts :: smile – 2 days (asleep), real bath- June 17 (16 days old), trip to target- June 20, overnight stay in hotel-June 19-21, trip (canyon) June 27th, first dr appt- June 12 (11 days old)
I love your posts! So sweet! I'll definitely be stealing your idea and keeping a log like this for my babe 🙂