I woke up to contractions on Friday February 20th at 9:30am. I was 32 weeks & I knew it wasn’t just Braxton hicks. I was in pain all morning and finally decided I needed to go to the hospital at 2, they checked me at 1.5cm and monitored me for 3 hours with no change so they sent me home. At 11pm I was curled up in unbearable pain, called my midwife and met her at the hospital. I was 2cm and they admitted me. My contractions were 2-7 mins apart and lasting about 45-60 seconds. They were painful but I wanted to do all natural. So I was in labour all that night, all day Saturday and all night Saturday, I had progressed to 4cm by early Sunday morning & I knew he was coming. My boyfriend thought It was a joke and had no worries but I knew it. They checked me 4 hours later and I was 6cm and they said they were going to break my water, my boyfriends face was priceless, it went blank & WHITE. He thought were were going home without a baby after 2 days in labour… ? we had nothing ready for him and he was going to be 7 weeks early. I knew they were going to take him away to the NICU right after so I was pretty upset. After they broke my water my contractions were stronger than ever. I have amazing pain tolerance & was doing well natural but i had been in labor for 2 full days, my body was exhausted and was trying to push him out at 7-8cm. The OB told me if I didn’t relax or get an epidural I was going to tear my insides apart or need an emergency c section, my midwife and boyfriend told me to just relax and get the epidural. I got it at 8cm, my body immediately relaxed and the rest of my labour went by quickly and smoothly. I started pushing at 6:23 and Gavin James was born at 7:03pm on February 22nd 2015 ? even though It was long and hard, I loved labour and delivery and would do it all over again. I’m in love with my son & his dad was amazing through the whole thing & I love him more than ever now that I see how much he loves us. ??
We're going to need an update from Chelsea on how the baby is doing! How long was he in the NICU? Also, does she know what caused her to go into early labor?