Surprise!!! We found out what Baby Nichols #3’s gender was a few weeks ago, and wanted to share the good news with yall and do a little gender reveal post! I didn’t intend on doing a gender reveal post this pregnancy as Baby #3 was intended to be a surprise, but it just so happened that the surprise was a great one!
IT’S A BOY!!!!
We’re so excited to be adding a sweet baby boy to the family in just a few short weeks! I am still just in shock that we’re having a BOY! All I know is girl…and I’ll be needing all the cute boy places to shop, little hats to put on him and how to be a boy mom! I’m clueless after living in a girls’ world for all of these years!
Regardless of how I found out I was getting a son, at this point, we’re just over the moon! The girls kiss their baby brother on my belly every morning and are so sweet to him already! I think it’s going to be so sweet to watch them! Laikyn will be the little mommy and Lennyn will just be teaching him all of the tricks so he can keep up with her! 😉
Pretty sure yall all know how Daddy feels about getting is boy, too! We can’t wait to meet you, sweet boy!
Thanks for sharing in this pregnancy journey with my family and me. I can’t believe we only have 2 more months to go, but I’m realizing that time flies so quickly with the third baby! I just pray that in these last few weeks we are able to slow down, enjoy being a family of 4 for a little bit longer and just praise God for this baby boy who will be here soon!
We are so thankful for your support and sweet words! And, if you’re a boy mom….give me everything I need to know! I am gonna need it! 😉
my dress // Laikyn’s dress // Lennyn’s dress // Brett’s shirt // Brett’s shoes
Thank you to Lissa Anglin for capturing these photos for us! She’s the best if you need a photographer in the Lubbock area!
Yay!!!! I am beyond excited for y’all!!
Yay!!!!!!! Congratulations to your sweet family! I am so blessed to have two girls and a sweet boy in the middle! Boys are sooo much fun and they love their mamas!!! He’s by far my most sensitive and my best snuggler! So very happy for you!!!
CONGRATULATIONS!! Being a boy mom is so special!! Some good shops I like are Zara baby, Ryan and Rose- for pacifiers and cutie clips, Freshly Picked- diaper bag and shoes, I think it would be adorable if you and your son had matching nike or addidas! Sending love and prayers your way! Thank you for sharing your surprise with us!
Congratulations! I am a boy mom. What is going to melt your heart is how much they want to be like daddy and treat mommy as special as daddy does. My husband is a firefighter in California he is out on fires a lot. My three year old likes to buy me flowers when daddy is gone he says his daddy isn’t here to buy them so he needs to. Congratulations your little family is going to have so much fun.
My son has double the energy of my daughter. They are sweet and so loving and so busy!
How exciting!! Congratulations <3 <3
Congratulations that is so wonderful!!! I have one of each and feel so blessed to experience both. And boys really do love their mommas!!
Yay! I knew it, So excited for you all