I’m in total denial that at this time next month, I will have a one year old. Seriously, folks, I don’t wanna talk about it…excuse me while I boo-hoo my way through this post!
Age :: eleven months
Length :: 31 inches
Weight :: 18 lbs 9 oz
Milestones :: LC has 9 teeth. She cut her left bottom molar today. OUCH!! She’s WALKING!! We have a super mobile baby!! She”s talking up a storm and amazing us each day with the little things she does! I feel like she grew up a whole 3 months this month. She’s acting like a little toddler.
She’s getting braver and braver each day! She’s still motoring around on her knees, bear crawling or pushing her walker (or anything else she can find to push), and walking when she wants to! She’s opening cabinets and drawers…and toilet seats. OHHHH its bad. I tell her no and she shakes her head at me, smiles and does it again…is it too early for time out?
She’s saying lots of words: dada, baba, mama, uh-oh, more, hi, bye-bye, go, play, “Mammie” for Grammie, “Tata” for Tucker, “Whoa” for Hello (and she puts something to her ear like she’s answering a phone. ADORE-AHHH!..I’m sure there is more. She’s seriously talking so much.
Sleep :: Sleep is still amazing! She is sleeping anywhere from 11-13 hours at night and taking 1-2.5 hour naps in the day. She’s taking 2 naps; one morning and one afternoon. Naps are still great! I’m loving this sleep, but I feel like our time is due with these teeth breaking through. Wamp. Wamp. Wamp.
Favorites :: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, feeding herself, playing outside, dancing to music, singing to music, playing with Tucker, walking everywhere, mommy’s phone…
Doesn’t like :: She HATES when her arms are under a blanket or towel. Throws the biggest fit ever. She’s started to not like sitting in her baths…so she’s almost gotten a spankin’ several times for standing up and throwing a fit when I make her sit down. Temper, temper.
Foods :: She will not eat purees anymore except for yogurt and the occasional squeezie! She’s eating everything we are and pretty much loving everything! Especially when Grammie gies her a little sweet tea…true Texas girl!