You can purchase this pump HALF OFF on Groupon right now — Click HERE.
I’ve been so excited to share about this new pump that I got while I was pregnant with Lennyn. I couldn’t wait to start using it and compare it with the other pumps that I used with Laikyn. This is the Spectra S1, by Spectra Baby USA. This is considered a hospital grade pump. I have been using it for about 4 months now, and I can honestly say it is the best pump out there.
As many of you know, the breastfeeding journey I went on with Laikyn was a daily struggle. A struggle to produce enough milk, along with lip and tongue ties and food intolerances. I am so happy that this time around with Lennyn has been so much easier and just has gone smoother. You can read my breastfeeding experience with Laikyn HERE and with Lennyn HERE.
There are several different brands of breast pumps on the market. There are double pumps, single pumps, electric and manual pumps. I personally like to use the double electric breast pumps for the most efficient time use, but they can also be pricey. The great thing about breast pumps now, is that if you have selected insurances, you can get your breast pump 100% free through your insurance. I actually got another Spectra through insurance for back up and traveling.
The Spectra S1 breast pump is my favorite because it has a rechargeable battery so you don’t have to be plugged into the wall! You can leave it plugged in for optimal battery use, or you can leave it unplugged and let it do it’s job for 3 hours before it needs charging again. It’s a hospital grade pump that suckles, not sucks, so it is more equivalent to the nursing baby. This closed system pump is complete with a night light, quiet motor, timer, let down mode, and fully adjustable program to best fit your body. Here are some specifications for the Spectra S1:
There are several other options for the Spectra pumps along with the S1: Spectra S2, Spectra 9Plus, Spectra Dew 350 Double Electric, Spectra M1 Advanced Electric, and the Spectra Handy Plus Manual Breast Pump.
Head to the Spectra website to choose one that fits your needs, and don’t forget to ask your insurance provider which type of Spectra that they cover! HERE is a list of places you can buy your Spectra.
Since using my Spectra, I have been able to produce about double of that which I produced before. I have gone back to my old pump to see the difference, and the output was about 2-3 ounces difference each day. Plus, the Spectra was much more comfortable for me and who doesn’t like the extra milk to store?
I came across this blog post the other day, and I know if you’re a breastfeeding or pumping mama, you can relate. Check it out for a little laugh —–> 15 Weird Ways Breastfeeding Messes With Your Mind
Little Lovelies is a part of a blogger program and has collaborated on this post with Spectra Baby USA. All images, thoughts and opinions expressed are of my own.