- How far along?: 9 weeks
- Baby is the size of a: Green Olive (according to WTE Pregnancy)
- Total weight gain/loss: still -1
- The Bump: I compared this pregnancy with Laikyn’s and I’m looking the exact same so far. It’s definitely not flat, there’s lots of bloat!!
- Symptoms: Haven’t been sick since last Friday. I’m hoping that it was a bug and not morning sickness. Praying it away still!
- Food Cravings: Still loving root beer and pizza. And Chinese food. And anything else that comes on commercials, like Taco Bell and nothing healthy! Oh, and I’ve eaten PLATES full of whipped cream fruit salad. So YUM!
- Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: MEAT. If it’s on a sandwich that’s fine, but meat alone is grossing me out.
- Sleep: I didn’t get a nap yesterday and I could really tell. I’m needing at least a nap a day. I’m soooo tired still!
- What I miss: wine. I really missed it at girl’s night last night. wamp wamp….
- Weddings Rings On or Off: on 🙂
- Any Names Picked Out Yet: Not really! I really want to know gender before I get my heart set on one!
- Gender: We decided to find out the gender so we can plan. I’m such a planner! We will find out by sonogram at 15 weeks at the latest (which is the week of Christmas), or by blood test in a few weeks! It’s still up in the air!
- Movement: Nope, but I’m ready to feel her/him!
- Maternity Clothes: Just in all regular clothes! My yoga clothes with no intentions of yoga are especially comfy. 🙂
- Labor Signs: no way!
- Best Moment of the Week: Feeling great because everyone finally knows I’m pregnant! I rang the rattle at MOPS. A little embarrassing…but made it real! Hearing little one’s heartbeat on the doppler anytime I want is great. Also, Laikyn loves to carry around the sonogram that we framed and say “bayyybeeee” and she even kisses the baby! When we ask her if its a girl or boy, she just shakes her head no and says “no??” haha! I think she’s in denial!
- What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Can’t wait to find out when we will know gender and plan a cute way to tell family since we decided not to have a gender reveal party! It will be too hectic with the holidays. Dr’s appointment next week, minus stepping on the scale. I always weigh more at the office! Ha!
Congrats! I starting following your Instagram when I was pregnant with my son and you were pregnant with your beautiful lil girl. I'm 8 weeks pregnant now! So excited to follow your journey again! Good luck!