Some days are just no-good-very-bad-days, and as much as I wish we didn’t have them…it’s inevitable. Codi is here with us today from Creative Wife & Joyful Worker sharing 5 tips to having a better day! I hope you get as much out of this post as I did! Some wonderful tips!
Think about a bad day that you have had recently, now I am not talking about a day where you got bad news, but a day where things just didn’t seem to go your way. Was the whole day bad or do you think that with just a few changes you could have turned it around and made your situation better?
I am far from perfect, but I do know that my mood highly affects the type of day I have, right from getting up in the morning. I want to share some things that I try to consciously do each day to stay positive and simply be in a happier mood.
5 Tips to Having a Better Day
1. Make Plans Early // If you are like me you tend to leave some things to the last minute… ok a lot of things. One thing that I have been actively trying to do better at is making sure that I have a plan for the following day before I go to bed. On days that I don’t make a plan I move a lot slower and I sometimes don’t even change my clothes. Having a plan allows me to wake up motivated and excited to start the morning.
2. Don’t Assume the Worst // When in conversation with others (especially your kids) don’t assume the worst right off the bat. Most of the time, and I don’t think this is just my kids, but I get all excited right away when my child starts to tell me something because of the way they have chosen to word it. Give everyone the benefit of the doubt and make light of each new situation
3. Give yourself a Break // So often we are super hard on ourselves as women, mothers, siblings, friends… and we don’t take the time for ourselves. When your day starts to feel off, try to stop, reflect and do something for yourself. It could be as simple and painting your toes or having a chocolate bar (so long as you know you won’t feel guilty about it later).
4. Do something for a stranger // It could easily be just a random act of love that can turn your frown upside down, smiles are contagious and if you are randomly loving on those around you there is no doubt that your mood won’t take a 360 turn.
5. Have a Cup of Coffee or Five // When you have given it all your best shot and all else fails drink some more coffee, cause let’s be honest by this point we have already had a glass am I right?
Recently I was doing a phootshoot (these photos pictured) and it started downpouring right as we were getting the photos started, it was intense rain and it could have ruined the shoot, but I took some of my own advice and am so so happy that I did! These photos inspired this post and I hope that this post is going to inspire you on those not so happy days.
About the Auther
Thanks so much for checking out my guest post, it was a pleasure to write in this loving space. My name is Codi Lynn and I am the found of Creative Wife and Joyful Worker. I am a mother of two, very very soon to be three, and I have a love for all things design, photography and networking.
If you are a fan of my writing or looking for another genuine mother to follow online you can find me on: Blog | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest