- How far along?: 31 weeks + 6 days
- Baby is the size of a: head of lettuce (according to What to Expect App)
- Total weight gain/loss: +23 lbs holy weight gain!
- The Bump: nice, plump and round 🙂
- Symptoms: Iron does a body good! I’ve been feeling really good…except for the 3rd trimester hormones hit. Emotional WRECK!!
- Food Cravings: blueberry muffins and ANYTHING strawberry
- Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: nothing
- Sleep: pregnant nose is getting me…I’m so stuffy I can’t breathe until I shower and blow my nose!
- What I miss: I forgot what a flat belly and normal clothes feel like!
- Weddings Rings On or Off: on 🙂
- Belly Button: it’s normal again. So weird…I know it depends on the way she is laying in there.
- Any Names Picked Out Yet: We sure have! :))))))))
- Movement: I am LOVING all of the wiggles, hiccups and flips. Baby Girl is destined to be a gymnast like her momma.
- Maternity Clothes: been trying on/modeling some for a boutique in Amarillo, BBC Boutique. Stay tuned…you will want EVERYTHING…promise! In the mean time, check out their Facebook page–blog–website.
- Labor Signs: NO!!! and I keep getting scared that I’m going to go into labor and my legs aren’t shaved. Irrational fear, I know.
- Stretch Marks: On my 4th tube of Mustela. It’s working great!
- Best Moment of the Week: Checking up on Little Miss! She is measuring great and HR was 149 BPM.
- What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Traveling to my hometown this weekend for baby girl’s shower thrown by my sister and best girl friends! I’m so excited and can’t wait to see my family and girls!!!
HAHA!! I have the same fear about going into labor and my legs not being shaved. Ha! Unfortunately shaving is nearly impossible these days. And I am right there with you…I have been am emotional wreck the past few weeks. I cry at just about everything!