- How far along?: 24 weeks + 6 days
- Baby is the size of an: eggplant (according to What to Expect App)
- Total weight gain/loss: +11 lbs
- The Bump: No denying it now! She’s THERE!!
- Symptoms: Feeling GREAT!!
- Food Cravings: Pretty much just food in general. ALL of the time. Fruit has been super good lately.
- Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nothing, finally!
- Sleep: is still good!
- What I miss: sleeping on my belly!
- Weddings Rings On or Off: on 🙂
- Belly Button: some days its normal and some days its super weird
- Any Names Picked Out Yet: Getting closer 🙂
- Movement: She is moving SOOOO much! It’s so crazy! I love it!
- Maternity Clothes: In maternity jeans (LOVE THEM), some shirts but still wearing old non maternity, too.
- Labor Signs: Negative.
- Stretch Marks: So far, so good. Knock on wood!
- Best Moment of the Week: Getting to see my family! I sure missed them. They couldn’t believe how big my belly has gotten! Lunch with the girls was super great too…all while hubby golfed in Arizona. Life is good!
- What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Moving into our new house! We were sweetly and graciously accepted into Brett’s parents’ home. They are spoiling me…Brett says I can stay if I want! 😉
what a cute post I love this!
You are looking ADORABLE!