- How far along?: 18 weeks + 1 day
- Baby is the size of a: sweet potato (5.5 in, 5 oz) (according to WTE Pregnancy)
- Total weight gain/loss: +2 lbs but will know for sure when I see the dr next week
- Stretch Marks? No, thank you Jesus!
- The Bump: It’s pretty much there!
- Symptoms: feeling really good!
- Food Cravings: just fooooood
- Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nope!
- Sleep: = best thing ever
- What I miss: having a drink with friends
- Weddings Rings On or Off: on 🙂
- Any Names Picked Out Yet: not yet!
- Gender: PINK!
- Movement: feeling her so much! Can’t feel from the outside yet though. Love it!
- Maternity Clothes: nope, still fitting in my jeans and clothes! She’s super high I think!
- Labor Signs: no way!
- Best Moment of the Week: finally getting home, my house clean & relaxing!
- Feeling: extremely blessed
- What I’m excited about/looking forward to: starting the nursery, naming baby, feeling more movement and seeing her again in February!
You look so adorable!!!! Staring the nursery can be so much fun.. Can't wait to see it 🙂