- How far along?: 10 weeks
- Baby is the size of a: Prune (according to WTE Pregnancy)
- Total weight gain/loss: back even at home. We’ll see what the dr’s office scale says. BLAH.
- Stretch Marks? Started using my Mustela just like last time! Hoping to keep them away again. Ended up with NONE from LC. Just really hoping this baby is as nice to me!
- The Bump: I feel like I’ve kind of deflated and don’t have much of a bump lately. My boobs aren’t huge yet either. Wondering if that has anything to do with breastfeeding for so long?
- Symptoms: Still haven’t been sick since that horrible day a couple of weeks ago! I really think I had 2 back-to-back viruses and it was a fluke. I’m not calling it morning sickness! I’ve been great since and certainly hope it doesn’t show up this late in the game!
- Food Cravings: Food is starting to be good again. I can eat most things without craving them. Before…I could ONLY eat what I craved or I was grossed out. Meat is still no good…really just slimy meat, meat that’s really dry hasn’t bothered me. Pizza, yogurt and Cheese-its have been my go-tos this week.
- Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Meat is still questionable. Brushing my teeth is a serious task.
- Sleep: I’m still napping at least once a day and going to be really early. I seem to be more tired with this pregnancy! I literally can’t keep my eyes open at times!
- What I miss: real sushi. That avocado roll just wasn’t a West Texas roll.
- Weddings Rings On or Off: on 🙂
- Any Names Picked Out Yet: We’ve got some. I don’t think we’re going to tell name choices this time!
- Gender: Hopefully we will find out in a few weeks!
- Movement: I can feel where my placenta is, and at times I think I feel flutters. Who knows, could be gas! 😉
- Maternity Clothes: When I get dressed? haha…nope, just in regular clothes still
- Labor Signs: no way!
- Best Moment of the Week: I love hearing the heartbeat whenever I want to with my doppler. It’s really the best invention for pregnant girls, ever. I also love that Laikyn kisses the baby now! And, never fails, every time we ask her if the baby is a girl or boy, she says “a booyyyy” in the cutest and sweetest little voice! I had to make sure she could say girl because she won’t say that the baby is a girl. She can say it, she’s just very opinionated that this baby is a boy. Haha! We shall see soon!
- Feeling: Just feeling pretty blah. I feel awful that I’m so tired and haven’t gotten the laundry done, my house is usually a wreck and I’m always looking forward to my next nap.
- What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Dr’s appointment on Thursday. Maybe getting the Progenity Verifi genetic/gender testing, but not positive. Also, really looking forward to hopefully getting some energy for the second trimester!
Happy 10 weeks!! Is time flying faster since this is your second pregnancy?