Today we have Kelsey from! She is beautiful, has a precious family and an even more beautiful heart. I am so thankful to be surrounded by mamas that are beautiful inside-out and challenge me to be a better person daily! She’s sharing her heart today, talking about why being a wife and mom really matters…
When we are going through life, day-in and day-out as wives and mamas it can be really easy to forget why what we are doing is so important.
Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the everyday, mundane tasks of serving our families and we forget the driving force behind why we do what we do.
Sometimes, all we can see is the tired, haggard looking woman staring back at us in the mirror each morning, with the smeared mascara we were too exhausted to wash off the night before and frizzy hair we hope we can tame with a little dry shampoo.
That woman sometimes looks defeated and used up, feeling worn down and never enough. Trust me, I get it sister. I have been that woman, so many, many times.
In a world that tells us we can be and do so much more than we already are, it’s no wonder we are constantly feeling “less than” what we could be or should be.
But here’s the thing… don’t need to try so hard to be superwoman. Because you’re already superwoman.
Being a wife matters.
When you dreamed of one day being your husband’s wife, did you focus on the fact that every day you would have to pick up after him, make him meals, work through disagreements on how to spend money or figure out when in the world to have sex amidst all the “busy” in your lives?
I’m sure you didn’t. Instead I’m sure you dreamed about the life you would build together, moment by moment, day by day, hand in hand. Of raising a family together and loving each other fiercely, through anything life threw your way. I’m sure you loved nothing more than to do whatever you could to bring joy to your man’s heart and make life even just a little bit better for him.
So today, I challenge you to celebrate the joy and beauty and love that being married brings to your life and the impact you get to make in the life of your husband by being his wife, his partner, his helper, his lover and his best friend.
Being a mother matters.
Maybe you’ve always been that girl who dreamed of one day having babies and being a mom. Or maybe the sheer thought of having your own tiny person to raise struck fear to your core.
Either way, now that you’re here, in the trenches of motherhood, I’m sure you’ve noticed that it is a daily battleground not intended for the faint of heart.
But even on those days you find yourself wanting to pull your own hair out because you’ve cleaned up one too many spills, quieted one too many tantrums and and yelled one too many times, don’t forget what you’re really doing.
Don’t forget to celebrate the joy and beauty and love that being a mama brings to your life and the impact you get to make in your children’s lives and hearts by showing them what it means to live and to love well.
Being you matters.
Above all, sister, don’t forget what a special gift you are, not just to your husband or your kids, but to the world. Don’t let the loud voices shouting in your head to “do more” and “be more” get you off track. Don’t let those voices steal your joy.
You are an incredible woman, uniquely created to be exactly who you are. And exactly who you are is the kind of wife and mom that your husband and kids need. How tremendously lucky they are!
Today, celebrate all the many, many things you have to be grateful for in your life and celebrate the profound impact and difference you get to make, every single day, in the lives of your husband, your kids and beyond.
It all matters. You matter.
Kelsey Van Kirk is a wife, mom, writer, coach and Founder of, a lifestyle blog dedicated to inspiring and encouraging wives + moms to flourish! She loves snuggling and watching Netflix until the wee hours with her hunky husband, having princess dance parties with her four (yes four!) daughters, and getting lost in a good book while sipping a glass of pink moscato. You can connect with Kelsey more on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Snapchat, as well as her private Facebook community, The Home Loving Wife Sisterhood.