Well, yall asked for more video…so we decided to take a stab at a VLOG! Yall have been asking about Brett’s job and what exactly a cotton gin IS…so we took a little trip and recorded it to show yall! I may be a rookie, but if it’s just something we can look back on and enjoy watching about our family…I LOVE IT. Take a little peek into what he does, behind the scenes, what happens in a cotton gin through a 4 and 2 year old’s eyes and just a cute video! We had fun making it!
If you have any questions about ginning, cotton or what Brett does…feel free to ask! I may have him answer some questions for yall since I’m not the best at knowing all of the terminology! He does such a great job running the cotton gin. It’s family owned and a fairly big operation; we are so proud him and his hard work through these busy seasons! I am SO ready to have him back at home for normal hours, but are so thankful for his hard work to contribute to our family! His girls think he hung the moon!
Hope you all are having the best weekend! Check back tomorrow for a look into how we’re making our family healthier this year!
Thanks for sharing. My dad worked in the textile industry for many years so this was interesting.
It’s so neat to see what goes into making things! I love watching it!
Cute vlog! I was wondering what cotton ginning was.
Thanks for sharing! My grandfather owned a cotton gin and my mom still to this day can remember when he was home for Thanksgiving or Christmas and when they would have to go visit him because the season wasn’t over. It’s hard work but so rewarding!