Back to school, back to school! Even though I am working on finishing my Master’s degree, it’s been a while since I’ve actually gone to school. Actually, about 15 months. Before becoming a stay at home mama (SAHM for abbrevs) I taught Kindergarten; before becoming a teacher, I went to college; before college was high school; before high school, grade school and etc. Last year was my first year, EVER, not to have a first day of school. It was a little bittersweet, but I sure enjoy staying at my own home and teaching my sweet baby girl all there is to know (or all I know) about life and the finer things.
Since I didn’t get to have a first day of school, I dressed the part and acted the part. I just wanted a first day of school outfit, because that’s what’s important, right? Plus, how adorable is this bus?
And you know what else is important? I’m pretty excited to announce that I am a finalist for the Maxxinista of the Month contest! If you know me at all, you know I make my presence in a TJ Maxx at least once a week, digging for the best deals and newest finds! Well, it pays to be a Maxxinista! I am beyond blessed and thrilled for this amazing opportunity!
All of these finalists are stylish and fabulous, but I would love for you all to vote for me if you’d like! You can click here, then click “vote on finalists” and then vote for me next to (or underneath) my photo! You can vote ONCE A DAY, and closing ends at the end of the month ! So vote, vote, vote! And share with your followers/friends if you think I should be the next Maxxinista of the Month! It would be such an honor to represent the Maxx and bring you all the greatest finds from there!