Well, it all started on my actual due date (when does that ever happen!?). The day pretty much consisted of me moping around because it was my due date and I didn’t have a baby in my arms yet! The night was fairly normal too, Brett mowed the lawn and I watched him while bouncing on my yoga ball trying to induce my own labor! (It works, p.s.) We got into bed and my last words were…”I sure didn’t think we’d be going to sleep on her due date without a baby in our arms….”
I got in the shower and then woke Brett up to shower and get ready. I threw together my few last things like make up and necessities, he threw his things together, I loaded the dishwasher and started the cycle (yes, that felt important at the time….) and off we went to Lubbock! I texted my mom and dad to let them know, but told them to stay put in Canyon before driving all of the way to Lubbock (2 hours) away. Brett drove pretty quickly to get us there and was excited to actually have a legit excuse this time if we got stopped! I kept timing my contractions and asked him about every 5 minutes if we were almost there. It was the longest 45 minutes of my life!!
We ended up getting to UMC safely, and in 45 minutes. It is usually an hour and 15 minute drive. Props to hubbs! So, by about 4:30am they got me checked in to triage and I signed a bajillion papers with no recollection of what they were for…the last thing you want to do while having contractions! My dr wasn’t on call, so we met another dr and she checked to see my progress. I was dilated to 2cm and 90% effaced…then came the nausea! I started throwing up with every intense contraction and started watching the clock before we got into a L&D room. My parents got there around 7am, and I had now dialed to 4cm. I’d never been so happy to see my momma!!!! God carried me through this time…I just remember praying that He would get me through it and the reward would be my sweet baby girl! He is so faithful!
We got into a L&D room by about 8:30am and I was so relieved to see my dr had made it to the hospital!! She was going into an OR so I prayed I wouldn’t have the baby while she was busy! i got checked again and was dilated to 5cm. They asked if I was ready for the epidural and you better believe I was!! Along with the epidural, I got some nausea meds and was feeling better!
They came and broke my water, which was the weirdest experience ever. I felt like I was constantly peeing myself. So weird!!! When they broke my water, they told me that Laikyn was turned face up and also was laying on her cord. Her heart rate kept dropping and then my blood pressure dropped to 60/40 and I started passing out! So scary. They gave me some meds to raise my BP and turned me on my side on the “peanut” to try to get her to turn. Next time they checked me, I was dilated to 6cm. I felt like I was going to be in labor for a long time….and so did they! The dr ordered to start Pitocin to try to help me dilate more. The Pitocin made LC’s heart rate drop even lower and my blood pressure went haywire again…so we stopped the Pitocin and I was still dilated to 6. By this time, it’s about 2pm and we’re just waiting for her to turn and me to progress further. By about 3, my dr came in and talked to us about possibly having a c-section. I immediately started praying harder. This was the reason that I didn’t walk into the hospital with a birth plan, because I knew God’s plan was better and it was always out of my control.
So, Dr. Loveless decided that since baby was larger than normal, sunny side up, in distress and so was mom that we would do a c-section at 3:30pm. She asked me if I was okay…I felt one tear, said yes we know this is God’s plan, held Brett’s hand and asked to pray with my parents. The next thing I knew, my handsome husband was dressed in scrubs, I was taking more numbing medicine and getting oxygen and off we went to the OR. I remember being VERYYYYY sleepy on the table and asking if I could go to sleep. I woke up when Brett came in and they started cutting. I didn’t feel a thing. I actually couldn’t feel ANYTHING. Dr. Loveless told me there would be some pressure, Brett said, “Here she comes babe, she is beautiful!” And I looked up and there she was! 3:59pm, I got to see my sweet baby girl come into this world! They cleaned her off and laid her on my chest. I felt tears of joy rolling down my face and remember thinking how blessed I was that God chose me to be this beautiful baby’s momma! We got some skin to skin time while they sowed me up, and then they cleaned her and gave her to daddy. He was so proud. I haven’t ever seen him so happy in his entire life! It was the sweetest moment ever. He went ahead and carried her to my L&D room while they finished with me and took my epidural out. I couldn’t wait to get to my room to see her! When we got there, Brett was showing her off to both of our parents. Everyone was so happy and proud, and I couldn’t have been prouder!
She got her first bath and I got to nurse her for the first time. It was so special. LOTS of pictures were taken, family came in to see her and I was so out of it! I guess all of the medicine was catching up with me and I was beyond exhausted! I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer….all I wanted was to hold my baby girl!
They got me in a L&D suite where we stayed the rest of the time. We enjoyed each other, learned a lot, cried a lot and prayed a WHOLE lot while we were there….and when we got home….and to this day.
God created a miracle, and I’m so blessed to be this little miracle’s mommy. I couldn’t be happier with her, and more in love with her daddy. He is absolutely the best daddy to her in the world and it makes me so happy! He is smitten and I am in love with them both.
Every day is a challenge…we take it not only day by day but hour by hour. We love this little girl so much and want to do everything that is best for her! God blessed us. We are SO happy!
Happily home as a family of 4!