Age :: three months
Length :: 23.5 (at 2.5 month check up)
Weight :: 12 lbs 4 oz
Milestones :: she’s smiling so much and even giggling a little, squealing, cooing and talking with her sweet little voice, rolling from tummy to back (11 weeks), grabs things like momma’s hair, toys, rattles, blankets, etc, puts hands in her mouth and sucks on them. She is noticing objects and showing interest in them. It won’t be long before she’s rolling from back to tummy and scooting along trying to crawl!
Sleep :: still sleeping 5-7 hour stretches with the exception of a few nights when she is up around 4am to eat. She is nursing so much better, especially the first two feedings of the day. She outgrew her Rock n Play sleeper…sad day. She’s now in her cradle in mommy and daddy’s room, but we’ve got some books under it to keep it at an incline for her tummy.
Favorites :: bath time is her absolute favorite, tummy time, being outside, watching TV in her bouncer, riding in the car, swinging outside, walking around doing chores with mommy in the Ergo baby carrier.
Doesn’t like :: lotion after bath time, being cold, putting on pajamas, getting into her carseat but likes it once we start moving, nap time
We had LC’s tongue and lip tie revision at 9 weeks and it went well. She is learning how to use her new tongue and is eating and gaining well! Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers. It was definitely harder on mommy and daddy than it was her! Her new favorite thing to do is stick her tongue out and play with it! It was 85% restricted so she wasn’t able to do this before.
We’ve made it to 3 months nursing! Although our “breastfeeding relationship” doesn’t look like everyone else’s, we are thankful for the time together and the breast milk that she is getting!
She is growing so big into one healthy and beautiful girl. God is so good!!!!
Aww I'm glad she is putting on weight now and things are improving. Your blogging about breastfeeding is so similar to my story so I can really empathise with you! Although my baby is only slightly tongue tied they won't operate as he can stick his tongue out just past his lips so they think it's not necessary as he's also putting on weight….(a painful latch isn't important enough obviously!). Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for putting these issues out there in the open!!