We all have them. We all hate them. We all wish for the day to be over when we have them…..
Hard days. Bad days. Those horrible-no-good-when-nothing-goes-your-way days.
It’s a Monday. Usually I like Mondays; the world is back to their business and our routine is back in place. We thrive on routine and structure. I had plans today. Plans to do my Monday. Plans to finish the laundry, clean the floors, start the last week of my workout challenge, paint Laikyns room. I had lots of plans!
Well, becoming a mom I know that plans are always changing. The best laid plans aren’t usually plans…but the planner in me cringes at days like today. And by cringe I mean cry.
Hard days. I don’t even call them bad days, because let’s face it, it’s not that bad. It may seem bad at the time, and in that moment you want to scream and cry and drop down to the floor to throw a fit just like your toddler does….but really it is a day to be thankful for.
Maybe you spilled your whole cup of coffee.
Maybe you didn’t get but about 4 hours of sleep because one of your children needed you.
Maybe you tried to follow through with your plan for the day, but instead found that your day had other plans for you. (Like starting your workout and stopping 5 minutes in to find your toddler covered with finger nail polish).
Maybe your toddler is crying again because she can’t have a cookie and popsicle for breakfast and you’ve just had it….
Maybe you cleaned up poop. From the panties of your toddler, the diaper of your baby, the floor from one of the above, the training potty and the floor again from the toddler trying to clean up her own mess.
Maybe all of these things happened to me before noon. Maybe they did..and maybe it seems like a hard day. But it’s not my friend, it’s not.
You don’t know if your hard day might be someone else’s best day. Treasure the day. Treasure the teaching moments. Treasure seeing your toddler covered in finger nail polish, so proud that she “did it herself” and try not to cry. Try to find the good in the hard, and the hard becomes a good.
We all have them. We all have those hard days, whether your a teacher, an accountant, a grandpa or a human being. I’ve found that those hard days bring you closer to God, make you a better prayer warrior, teach you to savor the really good days and find the good in the bad.
So on those hard days, let’s all just learn to let go, and
Love them through it.
(A reminder to myself more than anything. Because, a cant-everything-just-go-my-way-mom can handle a reminder every now and then).
Love it, so true! Toddlers can be so challenging but it’s the challenge that some women wish they had!
Love this mama and love you!