Remember last week when I said it was the longest week ever? I’m wagering that this week was even loonnnggerrr. 4 more weeks of school, 18 days…..teachers really earn their pay (ha) these last 6 weeks of school.
I’ve been looking forward to Friday, on so many different levels, but mainly because I get to share my favorites with you. And, boy do I have some good ones this week!
Being a little blondie myself, I felt it only necessary that I try this new roast from Starbuck’s. Hubbs and I disagree on coffee flavors (I like Dunkin’ Donuts and he likes Folgers-bluck) so I thought it was about time to try a new one. I love that it is lighter and less-bold than most of Starbuck’s blends. It might just replace Dunkin’….
2. Josh Abbott Band – Small Town Family Dream
I’m a fanatic and pre-ordered this album. I am so happy that I did, because I was super excited when I got this message.
It’s been on repeat ever since. Love it!
3. DIY projects
I recently made this chalkboard from a painting I found at Goodwill. I will post the DIY soon. I’m quite pleased and will keep searching for more as summer approaches!
4. Long WEEKEND!
We have a 3 day weekend. Husby and I are flying up to canyon to spend some time with my family. We are going to the parade of homes, which my dad’s development (Southland Homes)’s at Canyon East will be featured. Pretty exciting!
The boy is in pilot-mode and is going to a annual fly-in at Blue Sky Airfield. Tuck and Hydie are making the trip with us…it only took us an hour to gather all of their things, get them their baths and get them loaded in the plane. Good gracious…
Oh, and you know Starbuck’s and Target are in my near future. Hoorah!
5. Compartmentalized Running Bra
Don’t you hate when you’re running (and your phone is in your sports bra because you have no where else to put it) and it falls down and gets sweaty? Sorry for the graphic/stinky image in your head, but it’s true! I do believe this bra was made for me!
I've been curious about the blonde roast. I'm a big Dunkin fan also, but maybe I'll give this new one a taste!
Ashlee, I found a similar sports bra to the once you have pictured above on the North Face website. Here is the link for it:
@S T E P H A N I E L E A N N
You definitely should! It's SO good! 🙂
Oh, yay! Thank you dear!