Balance is something I’ve always struggled with throughout my life. I’m one of those all or nothing type people that gives it all I’ve got or throws in the towel. There’s no halfway business here! I’ve been struggling quite a bit lately with finding a good balance for my purpose in life. I know I can’t be alone, so I wanted so share a bit of my heart today in hopes that someone else feels better for struggling and knows that we all struggle in some way or another.
Balance is usually key to just about anything. A good diet is balanced. A good marriage has balance. Balance is important. It’s definitely something that I’ve been lacking in my life in so many areas and to be frank; I’m over it. I’ve spent to much time spreading myself thin through motherhood, wifehood, and my work life that I haven’t been a good anything lately! I feel like I spend all of my hours trying to catch up with work, then I’ve missed out on what my girls are doing and also spent my alone time with my husband that’s much needed. I struggle with balancing my coffee/water intake just about as much as I struggle with my work/real life balance.
I know that my job looks mostly like fun and games, but there is A LOT that goes into it behind the scenes. There is many hours spent over SEO, analytics, meetings, traveling, more analytics, budgeting and it just takes it out of you. I think the hardest part is: my job is my life, essentially. I am sharing my family’s life and experiences which has become my job. I truly love love love what I do, but it’s hard to turn it off. It’s hard to balance what would be working hours with what should be sleeping hours or mindless watching TV hours. It’s hard to turn off because I’ve struggled with balance.
Whether you are a mom trying to balance your new job as a stay-at-home mom with finding time for YOU or you are a workaholic who has a hard time finding balance with social life, please know you’re not alone. I am struggling to wear all of the hats and wear them well. I’m struggling daily, just like most of you and even though my photos may look like I have all my stuff together….let me just tell you – I DON’T. I’m struggling. I’m struggling to drink my coffee while it’s hot and struggling to sleep through the night for one reason or another just like you.
Here’s to all of us women just trying to make it work. Trying our hardest to find balance. Trying to wear all of the hats. Let’s just give ourselves some grace and remember that life IS about balance, but it can’t happen overnight. Balance is practiced and learned. Balance is something I definitely strive to have daily.
I would love to hear your thoughts? Do you feel completely balanced? Do you have some tips that help you feel more balanced each day? Share them with us, because LORD knows I certainly need some HEEELPPP!
Girl, you’re hitting the nail on the head here and I know so many moms can relate to these words. I, too, work from home, and having a clean divide between work, momming, wifeing, and keeping a clean house is nearly impossible. For this reason, they all suffer because nobody (or nothing) has my full attention. I’m trying SO hard to stay scheduled, which is the one thing that has truly helped. I write down what I’m going to do each hour the night before. When I’m working, I’m working (and the kids either have quiet time or have a sitter or daycare), and when I’m not, I’m 100% NOT. That means phones down, computers closed, kids in my lap or book in my hand. We all benefit this way, and I can apply 100% of me to that task. I’m more efficient, and everybody’s happier. Good luck, mama! You’re doing great <3
my tip would be this: schedule. schedule everything. schedule when you need to throw in a load of laundry, or clean a bathroom, or special time spent with hubby. scheduling helps you find the time to wear each hat. get a really good planner, like Emily Ley’s Simplofied Planner, and plan out all the things. planning allows you to make time for each hat you need to wear, and helps you wear them well. don’t feel like you have to do all the things all in one day. we weren’t made to be superwomen. if all you can do is wear one hat at a time, then wear that one and wear it well. plan out when to wear the other hats. schedule/plan out your whole week from the get-go. I think you’ll find your life balancing right before your eyes. love you and love your blog. you’re the sweetest ☺️
This is a DAILY struggle for me as well!! I work full time, have two young, very active kids, I am back in school and am a single Mom. How do I even attempt to balance all those things and still have some sort of social life?!? My social life is WAY too far and few between. I always think the best suggestion, is to make time every day with NO electronics. Leave it at home or in the car. It’s such a struggle to part from our phones but so relieving when we do!! Especially in your shoes! Thanks for this post! Sometimes we all need to hear that we aren’t the only ones struggling in such similar ways! Thanks for sharing