Recently, one of my teaching friends shared this recipe for bake Chicken Fried Steak with me. We and our friends take turns hosting Bachelorete Monday and last night was our turn, so I thought what better time to try a little southern comfort fat food? Already feel fat and less pretty just watching Emily in all her glamour, so we might as well feed the fatness!
Although, this recipe isn’t all that bad for you! It’s BAKED! ((and so very easy))…and it’s the mister’s favorite meal. Double score!
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Separate the cube steak and wet them with water. Just a little will do, just enough to get the flour to stick.
2. Pat each cube steak with flour, then salt and pepper. Flip the steak and repeat until both sides are floured, salted and peppered.
3. Pat soft butter on top of the steak and flour mixture. ((I used Country Crock tub butter since it is already soft an spreadable.))
4. Lay foil down in a shallow cookie sheet. Spray with non-stick cooking spray.
5. Space the steaks out on the foiled cookie sheet.
6. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.
Told ya, super easy!! And tasty!
I served this with mashed potatoes, gravy, and baked-fried okra. We would have had rolls, but I had major blonde girl problems last night and left them in the oven. Yeah….seriously I need my head checked.
Let me know if you give it a try an what you think! Does your mister love chicken fried steak as much as mine,, he could eat it for every meal. Gonna try them as steak fingers next time!
um, YUM. that is all i have to say about that.