I’ve been a little behind on our favorites posts! Seeing as Laikyn is 5 months tomorrow, I’m JUST now getting done our 4 month favorites. But fear not, you know we took a long time to review these things! 😉
Here are our favorites for this month! What are some of your favorites?
1. Baby Earth Munchkin Teethers – These have been Laikyn’s teethers of choice. She loves them fresh out of the freezer!
2. Rodan + Fields Soothe – We had a little set back this month with dairy. I accidentally had a pumpkin spice latte *that I was told was nondairy* which ended up having condensed milk and skim milk in the syrup after I went to all of the trouble of taking my own almond milk, they had almond milk already and seemed super earthy. NOT.…so needless to say, she screamed her head off and then got horrible eczema on her back. She never had the eczema with the first time we found out about her allergy, so I didn’t really know what to think. I started using the Rodan and Field Soothe on her back where the rash was and it is so so much better! Thank GOODNESS!
3. Angel Care Video/Motion Monitor – Since we moved LC to her own room in her crib, this has been a LIFE.SAVER. I can just watch her literally breathe. She is doing SO SO SO much better in her crib now, and is sleeping most of the night. She’s only getting up once to eat. KNOCK.ON.WOOD. Seriously. But really, this Canadian company is so great that when my parent unit randomly stopped working, I called them to see what to do and the sweet lady on the other end just sent me a new unit for free, no problems. It was overnighted and got here the next day. They know how important those things are!
4. Sozo Sleep Sack – LC has started to roll over and sleep on her belly (which has resulted in better sleep for us both, thank you JESUS!) but we had to stop swaddling her cold turkey. I was a little nervous as I’ve heard so many moms talking about putting their baby to bed unsaddled being a nightmare. That first night, I put her into her sleep sack (just with her jammies underneath and no blanket) and she rolled right over to her tummy and got comfortable. I’m so glad we did this when we did. We love the sleep sack! The one she has is 0-6 months, so we’ll be purchasing one from Santa!
5. Citrus Lane – We look forward to getting our box every month! There are about 3 great things and 2 just okay things in each box. Each box is $25 and you can look on my Instagram to see what has been in each box, and my review. I think it’s totally worth it, and the box changes to meet the needs of your growing child. So, LC won’t be getting the same things as a 2 year old would get.
1. Lucie’s List – FTMs and Mommies to be….you have GOT to subscribe to this. It has helped me so much to know what to expect before Laikyn was here and what to do in situations after she was here. Plus, this girl is HILARIOUS. I just love her.
2. True Lemon Packets – My mom gave me some of these when I was pregnant so I would put it in my water to get my daily amount. I broke them out again the other day when I realized I wasn’t drinking enough water, and I remembered how much I love them! They are not sweet, but just give it a hint of lemon or lime to make your water extra yummy!
3. Intra Max Vitamins – This is the only way I’m getting all of the vitamins needed while breastfeeding. I got it from my chiropractor and have since been addicted. It’s the first thing I do when I get up. I take my vitamins and drink my probiotic. I’ve felt so much more energetic! It’s a little pricey, but if you look at ALL of the vitamins that is in it, you would be spending WAY more than that for the supplements. I was trying to swallow too many nasty pills for vitamins, and this has cut down on them and I don’t taste the nasty taste of vitamins all day (or at all). My mom and sister are believers now too!
4. Coconut Milk Creamer – Just about the only way I can drink coffee these days. I’m missing my Coffee Mate creamers…but it’s getting me through.
5. No Bake Lactation Cookies – I posted about these last week. I have since eaten about 3-4 dozen of these bad boys. Sorry I’m not sorry.
Go on, tell me your faveys y’all!