I like to have something to look forward to, so I decided to channel my inner thoughts of missing vacation into something positive. I came up with a 6 week challenge to make me into a better wife, mommy and person. I am challenging you to do this with me! I actually started the challenge this week, so that I could be a week ahead of you and share what I did so that you would have some ideas! My week 1 will be posted on Monday, August 18th!
Here’s how it goes (if you want to modify yours to fit your needs, that’s totally fine)! I will be posting these each Monday. My week will go Monday-Sunday. Like I said, make yours work for YOU!
Week 1: Cook Dinner – I am a stay at home mama. I often lose track of time throughout the day, and then look up WHAM it’s dinner time. My husband is actually amazing at cooking and grilling out, but I wanted to give him a break and cook AND clean up the kitchen for an entire week. I will be sharing week 1 in a separate post dedicated to EASY recipes and the schedule I used. (and, I’m doing it SUPER cheap.)
Week 2: Be a Fun Mom – Once again, I stay at home with my little love, so the days can get away from us quickly. We get in our daily routine, and I forget to get out the sidewalk chalk or let her play in the sprinklers. This week is dedicated to doing something NEW and FUN each day. Even if it’s as simple as a dance, dance revolution in her tepee.
Week 3: L-O-V-E – Let’s face it mommies: when we became “mom” the “wife” took the back burner. Husbands tend to stay the same and don’t really feel the stress of motherhood (I mean, did they carry around a life for 10 months?!). Husbands still need the TLC that we used to give them BB (before baby). So, this week is dedicated to your husbands TLC. What does he need? You give it to him. With a happy and giving heart. Yes, I said ANYTHING! 😉 I came across this article and I was really convicted. I am so tired and worn at the end of the day, but if I just put his needs before my exhaustion, we both benefit. Happy wife-Happy Life? Well, you have to have a happy hubby too!
Week 4: Social Media; goodbye! – I am so guilty of having my phone on me at all times. When I get a free second, you better believe Instagram is open or I’m mindlessly scrolling Facebook. This doesn’t make me a better person. I’m giving one week of social media away. I’m deleting the apps on my phone and I’m not opening my computer to either of the websites. I want to show myself that I don’t need it and I can get just as much satisfaction out of taking the picture and NOT posting it! I mean, who really cares that much about what coffee I am having this morning anyway? Yeah, no one. Ha!
Week 5: Pay It Forward – This week is to bless others. I am going to do one thing a day for others. Strangers. Friends. Family. It doesn’t matter, just take your time and do something to bless another person’s day. Simple as that!
Week 6: Get’er Done – Take this week as a week to get done something that you’ve been meaning to get done but haven’t. I have a list of things that I’ve been meaning to do but I never get around to it. Take this week to REALLY do it, mark it off your list, pat yourself on the back and forget about it! What’s been hanging over your head that you need to do? Finish that book you started on vacation? Actually take a hot bubble bath without a baby? Clean those windows and blinds? Get the carpet shampooed? Yes, I’ve got a long list and a week to do it! I think I can, I think I can!
Some things I didn’t include because I don’t only want them to be for 6 weeks is my personal relationship with Jesus. I tend to pray throughout the day. I pray with Laikyn at night. I praise Him often and love him with my whole heart. I do want to get better at an actual “quiet time” and reading my Bible. I also would love to find a great bible study. I love Beth Moore studies, but need to branch out. Let me know if anyone has a great one!
Also, I hope that I don’t stop the things from the week before. I hope to keep going on what I’m doing each week and just making time for it all!
Six weeks seems like an insanely long time. It’s really not. Tackle it week to week. I am going to find joy in doing these things and hopefully will grow through them into a better person each day.
I am cross-posting this at Confetti Babe. Comment and let me know if you accept the challenge and want to be a better YOU!
These sound like great focus areas! I am in!