How far along?: 23 weeks + 6 days
- Baby is the size of a: Papaya (8 in, 1.2 lb) (according to WTE Pregnancy)
- Total weight gain/loss: +11 I want to pretend it doesn’t matter but wahhhhh
- Stretch Marks? I search for them every day and pray they never show up! Still lathering in everything I can!
- The Bump: Big Mama Status
- Symptoms: after last week, I’m surprised I’m alive. Thank goodness for recovery. I had the stomach bug or morning sickness ALL day on Monday. Who knows what that was. Then on Wednesday evening, my husband and I got food poisoning and we were both throwing up the entire night! I spent Thursday and Friday recovering and am FINALLY back to normal. Praise the LORD!
- Food Cravings: food. I’m a fatty.
- Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: I’ll never eat pizza again.
- Sleep: surrounded by pillows, probably snoring
- What I miss: Not getting up to pee every hour.
- Weddings Rings On or Off: on 🙂
- Any Names Picked Out Yet: narrowed down. Closer and closer! 🙂
- Gender: PINK!
- Movement: She’s a dancing queen 🙂
- Maternity Clothes: The rubber band came to visit my jeans this week. I have one pair of maternity jeans that fit, the rest are still too big, but i’ll get there soon I’m sure! A few shirts, but mainly just normal clothes. And my normal clothes I mean yoga pants.
- Labor Signs: no way!
- Best Moment of the Week: FINALLY feeling better and my mama coming to visit this week while hubby is in Arizona playing golf!
- Feeling: thankful
- What I’m excited about/looking forward to: My mom being here to help with LC and the new baby’s nursery getting it together, hopefully. Next week, going to see my grandma in Albuquerque and hopefully some NICER weather. Go AWAY snow.
Enjoy every minute with you mom!!! You look so cute.. Can't wait to see the nursery
Happy Tuesday
Chelsea @ thewilliamsjourney1.blogspot.com