How far along?: 11 weeks
Baby is the size of a: a plum
Total weight gain/loss: about the same!
The Bump: feeling less bump-ish lately! Did it deflate??
Symptoms: nausea starting to subside! Been a week without Zofran. I didn’t take the break up as hard as I thought I might!
Food Cravings: Taco Villa and Rosa’s
Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Meat. Any kind…weird!
Sleep: still sleeping good! And often 🙂
What I miss: sushi!!!
Weddings Rings On or Off: on 🙂
Any Names Picked Out Yet: we have a boy name but need some girl ones!
Gender: friends think girl, family thinks boy
Movement: little babe is moving like crazy because its harder and harder to find the little heartbeat on the Doppler!
Maternity Clothes: bought a few but not wearing them yet!
Labor Signs: that thought scares me!
Best Moment of the Week: announcing to friends on Facebook and the staff at school. I loved our video and can’t wait to show it to mini N someday!
What I’m excited about/looking forward to: next sonogram at 13 weeks! Hopefully ill get a little hint if its a boy or girl!
You are absolutely stunning! And I think you have the perfect bump-ish. 🙂
So excited for you!